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Green Sea Spicule Peel

Also known as "liquid microneedling", this alternative to chemical peels uses the exoskeleton of marine sponges/coral to produce a microneedling effect with spicules. The spicules are gently massaged into the skin, creating small, controlled wounds in the skin that the body will then rapidly repair. Once embedded in the skin, the spicule creates a histamine reaction, bringing red blood cells to the surface of the skin, creating an oxygenating effect. As they dissolve, they release a polypharmacy of vitamins, minerals, natural steroids (Vitamin D), and antibiotics which help stimulate collagen, normalize melanocyte activity, and improve cellular health.

Spicules are 100% natural and contain just one ingredient: hydrolyzed sponge/coral. Safe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Because there are no acids, the activity is perfectly controlled to produce the desire effect, no more-no less. 

Cost: $150. A consultation is required to begin a peel series.

Time: 15-45 minutes

How Often?: Once every 4-6 weeks

Who Is It For? This peel is wonderful for anyone wanting to treat active acne, hyperpigmentation, or fine lines and wrinkles. Not suitable for teens or anyone with a shellfish allergy.

Is It Painful? Peels can vary greatly on activity level. Some will have no sensation and others will be quite active (tingly/itchy). This also depends on your skins' sensitivity. Possible discomfort and downtime will be discussed during your consultation, before the peel process is done, as well as during. It is required that each client book a BioHerb50 Spicule Peel ($100) prior to the Green Sea. This is a lighter version of the peel and will prepare your skin for the deeper version.

Book A Consultation Now

Pair These Great Options With Your Spicule Peel


$40 - 15 minutes

Plasma Shower

$100 - 30 minutes